Industry dynamics

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:35

At 13:00 Beijing time on November 4th, 2022, the second "Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection" event, also known as the launching ceremony of " Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society Automotive Engineers " was grandly held online. This event was hosted by the Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Association, and co-organized by French Chinese Automotive Engineers Association, Japanese Chinese Automotive Engineers Association, Austria-China Science and Technology Exchange Association, North American Chinese Engine Engineers Association, North American Association of Chinese Engine Engineers, British Chinese Automotive Engineers. During the three-day event, more than 30 technical experts and scholars from around the world had conducted in-depth discussions and communications with a series of hot topics in the automotive industry.

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Fig 1:Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022, known as " Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society Automotive Engineers" Launching Ceremony, Organizing Committee Members and Speakers

One year ago, the first "Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection" event was successfully held. Chinese automotive engineers and scholars from all over the world were gathered online to discuss the current situation and future of the automotive industry. It received more than 360,000 pageviews and was well praised by industry professionals at Domestic and overseas, and many media reported it. Several associations that founded the first event (Association of Chinese Automotive Engineers in France, Japanese Society of Automotive Engineers, North American Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers, North American Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers, UK-China Society of Automotive Engineers) decided to carry forward the successful experience and build a platform for communications and cooperations, and to carry out various activities to promote communications among overseas Chinese automotive engineers, scholars and related professionals. After one year of careful preparation and many discussions, the " Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society Automotive Engineers" decided to break out of the cocoon in August 2022. The launching ceremony planned and organized by the Alliance Organizing Committee, also known as the "Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022" event, was held on Nov 4th, marking that the Alliance will spread its wings soon in the automotive industry at domestic and overseas.

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Fig 2:The host (Man Xin, vice president of the Chinese Automotive Engineers Association in Japan) opened the ceremony

At the opening ceremony, Dr. Ping Xin, Secretary General of the Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society Automotive Engineers and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of  Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022, expressed in his welcome that our aspirants of the Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Association proposed to establish a global, industry, non-governmental and non-profit "Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society Automotive Engineers" based on the fundamental issue of how to fulfill the mission of a Chinese automotive engineer with the influence of the Covid-19 and anti-globalization trend. Dr. Ping Xin also emphasized that the global alliance will help to pave the way for any companies including OEMs, suppliers and other related industry companies that want to expand their market all over the world. Therefore, the Global Alliance had also set up a support platform to promote in-depth communications and cooperations between domestic and foreign companies.

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Fig3:Secretary General of the Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society Automotive Engineers, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection at 2022, Dr. Ping Xin gave a welcome speech   

The first rotating chairman of the alliance, director of the Advanced Automotive Research and Education Center at the University of Birmingham, Professor Hongming Xu introduced the Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society Automotive Engineers and the newly established Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Association Global Alliance this year in detail. Professor Hongming Xu said that the global connection had created a new model for the interaction and communication of Chinese people around the world, showing that the joint influence of overseas automotive academic groups cannot be achieved by a single organization activity. The global connection had established the status of "Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers" itself, creating the environment and opportunities for further cooperation and development among all Chinese Automotive Engineers Associations in various countries in the future. The alliance had been officially accepted as a strategic partner by FISITA, International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies, and had established a long-term strategic partnership with ZXZC. The alliance had now opened a website, and at the same time had formulated specific related work plans. Through the above-mentioned very important cooperative relations, the activities of overseas Chinese automotive engineers will be further developed, more opportunities will be opened up, and the sustainable development will be realized, so that better served Chinese automotive engineers, promote technical exchanges and cooperation in the automotive industry, and contribute to the achievement of the grand goal of carbon neutrality.

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Fig 4:Introduction of GAOCSAE by Prof. Hongming Xu, the first Rotating Chairman of the Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society Automotive Engineers, director of Advanced Automotive Research and Education Center at the University of Birmingham, UK

Mr. Yuwu Fu, Honorary Chairman of China Society of Automotive Engineers, Mr. Takeo Doujie, Executive Director of the Japan-China Economic Association, Mr. Chris Mason, President of International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies, and Mr. Kiran Patel, Senior Director of the UK-China trade Association are delivered a speech in person, expressed warm congratulations on the establishment of the Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society Automotive Engineers, and expressed positive affirmation of the activities carried out by the Global Alliance and the attention as well as achievements in the industry at domestic and overseas. China Society of Automotive Engineers and a number of well-known international organizations unanimously expressed their willingness to establish a long-term and win-win strategic partnership with the Global Alliance, and will, as always, fully support the future work of the Global Alliance.

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Fig 5:Speech by Mr. Yuwu Fu, Honorary Chairman of China Society of Automotive Engineers, entitled "Insist on Innovation and Win the Future" 

In the keynote speech session of the invited report, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chief Scientist of the National Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Innovation Center, Professor Keqiang Li of the School of Vehicle and Transportation of Tsinghua University, and Mr. Muramatsu Toshiro, Minister of Nissan Vehicle Networking Technology Development and Service Operation Department and Software and User Experience Development gave wonderful speeches titled "Development of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles and Practice of Industrialization Promotion" and "Electrification and Intelligence of Vehicles (Internet of Vehicles)" respectively. Although China's auto industry started later than other countries such as Europe, America and Japan, in many emerging fields such as intelligence and electrification, with the joint efforts of government enterprises, China's electrification development had been attracting worldwide attention. The once-in-a-century period of major changes in the auto industry had brought huge business opportunities and challenges to the Chinese auto industry, Chinese auto companies and Chinese auto professionals. The rapid development of intelligence and electrification had accelerated cross-field and cross-regional cooperation and integration, which also reflects the activity policy and purpose of the Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society Automotive Engineers. The joint efforts of the oversea associations promote in-depth exchanges and cooperation in the global auto industry. In the question-and-answer session after the meeting, Academician Keqiang Li and Minister Muramatsu Toshiro both expressed great confidence and affirmation for the Chinese auto industry and the future development of Chinese auto companies, including the overseas expansion of Chinese auto companies. But at the same time, the two guests also raised higher expectations for Chinese auto companies in terms of improving product quality and providing consumers with more secure products and services. In addition, understanding local policies, standards and regulations, and understanding the consumption habits and psychology of local consumers were also the homework that Chinese auto companies must do well before going overseas. 

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Fig 6:Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chief Scientist of the National Intelligent and Connected Vehicle Innovation Center, and Professor Keqiang Li, School of Vehicles and Transportation, Tsinghua University, gave a keynote speech titled "Development of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles and Their Industrialization Promotion Practice"

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Fig 7:Keynote speech titled "Electrification and Intelligence of Vehicles (Internet of Vehicles)" by Mr. Muramatsu Toshiro, Minister of Nissan Vehicle Connected Vehicle Technology Development and Service Operation Department and Software and User Experience Development Department

The third agenda of the first day was the report session of the Japan branch of Global Connections. Mr. Fujioka Nobuaki, technical expert of the Institute of Modern Culture Co., Ltd., Mr. Koma Yuyao, CEO of Folofly Co., Ltd., and Mr. Jialun Fan, CEO of Juyi Power Systems Co., Ltd. Japan Branch, introduced the current situation and issues of the Japanese market in detail through specific cases. Market popularization demand, promotion and application of Chinese new energy vehicle EV in the Japanese market. Compared with the EV penetration rate in the European, US and Chinese markets, the EV penetration in the Japanese market was still slightly slow. However, in view of the 2050 carbon neutrality strategic goal proposed by the Japanese government, an aging population, labor shortages and other social problems for the Japanese market, electrification and intelligence technologies needed to be developed and popularized more quickly. And Japanese companies were also actively seeking communications and cooperations with domestic companies. The speech topics of the three guests in the Japanese branch were "Market Demand for Electric Vehicles in the Logistics Field in Japan", "Reform of the Japanese EV Logistics Vehicle Market" and "Reliability Development of 800V High Voltage System for New Energy Vehicles"

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Fig 8:The three guests at the Japan branch of Global Connection, CEO of Folofly Co., Ltd. Mr. Yukang Koma, technical expert of Modern Culture Research Institute Co., Ltd. Mr. Fujioka Nobuaki, CEO of Juyi Power Systems Co., Ltd. Japan Branch Jialun Fan (from left to right)

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Fig 9:The second day of the Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection - European branch

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Fig 10:Global Connection Europe branch, Keynote speech from Professor Yaochu Jin, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, "Humboldt Chair Professor of Artificial Intelligence" at the School of Engineering, Bielefeld University, Germany, and Chair Professor of "Computational Intelligence" at the Department of Computer Science, University of Surrey, UK, entitled "Application and Prospect of Artificial Intelligence in the R&D of Electric Vehicle Technology"

At 20:00 Beijing time on November 5th, 2022, as the second day of this global connection event, the European branch was successfully held online. The theme of the European special session was the electrification and intelligence of automotive technology. The special event was divided into two parts, the keynote speech part and the round table part hosted by Dr. Jianbo Tao, vice president of Austria-China Science and Technology Exchange Association and Dr. Huayin Tang, vice president of Society of Chinese Automotive Engineers in the UK respectively. The special session was honored to invite a number of senior industry experts and well-known scholars to exchange and discuss the development status and prospects of automobile electrification and intelligence.

In the keynote speech session, Professor Yaochu Jin, Academician of the European Academy of Sciences, "Humboldt Chair Professor of Artificial Intelligence" at the School of Engineering, Bielefeld University, Germany, and Chair Professor of "Computational Intelligence" at the Department of Computer Science, University of Surrey, UK gave a wonderful speech entitled " Application and Prospect of Artificial Intelligence in the R&D of Electric Vehicle Technology". Professor Jin Yaochu first introduced the relevant theory of evolutionary algorithms, and then combined with two practical engineering application examples (hybrid electric vehicle controller design and multi-scenario vehicle dynamic optimization) to explain in detail how to use machine learning and related optimization algorithms combined with data-driven theory to solve the practical problems in the automotive industry.

In the subsequent report session, Dr. Chunxing Lin, vice president of Society of Chinese Automotive Engineers in the UK, Dr. You Li, Director of the French Association of Chinese Automotive Engineers, Dr. Jinwei Zhou, Technical Director of Kontrol GmbH, Austria, and Dr. Yu Yang, Senior Analyst of Yole Intelligence Consulting Company in France Ph.D., Mr. Min Jin, project manager of battery system development project of a famous European automotive engineering consulting company, and Dr. Mike Bassett, R&D director of MAHLE Power Systems, gave us excellent speeches respectively from the perspectives of different fields and key technologies such as artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, electrification, and batteries. The speech topics of these guests were "Driving Data Analysis Based on Machine Learning", "Special Vision Sensors in Autonomous Driving Systems", "Formal Verification of Autonomous Driving Compliance Technology and Legal Digitization", "Key Technologies of Passenger Vehicle Electrification: 800V Platform and SiC Modules", "Security Issues in the Development of Electric Vehicle Battery Systems", "Electric/electrified Powertrains". Dr. Kang Dong was unable to participate due to special personal reasons. In the final question and answer session, the audience asked questions enthusiastically, and the guests had a very positive and good interaction with the audience during this interaction.

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Fig 11:Global connection Europe branch, roundtable session

The last agenda of the European session was a roundtable discussion. The host was Dr. Huayin Tang. The guests included Dr. Weiwei Zhao from the Energy Storage Research Center of the University of Birmingham, Dr. Shanjin Wang, President of the French Association of Chinese Automotive Engineers, Dr. Jixiong Jiang, Head of the CRRC Austria R&D Center, and Dr. Yu Yang, Senior Analyst of French Yole Intelligence Consulting Company, Mr. Xin Wang, Marketing Director of NXP Semiconductors BMS System at Greater China, and Mr. Ruizhao Zhang, Director of the French Association of Chinese Automotive Engineers. From the perspectives of industry and technology trends, all the guests conducted in-depth exchanges and wonderful discussions on topics such as "China-Europe New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Outlook in 2025" , "Can Chinese Auto Companies Have a Place in the European Market in 2025?", etc. The discussion brought a series of unique ideas and understandings within one hour. The event at the European branch of Global Connections ended successfully after the round table session.

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Fig 12:The third day of the Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection – North America Branch

At 20:00 Beijing time on November 6th, 2022, the Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection – North America branch kicked off. The connection event at the North American branch mainly included two parts. The first one was a special speech. The host is Mr. Xiang Zhu, the vice president of the North American Chinese Automotive Engineers Association. In this session, five technical experts from different fields brought wonderful reports and discussions on hot topics such as electric drive systems, battery technology, solar energy and hydrogen energy applications. Dr. Jingchuan Li, director of the North American motor system of Jingjin Electric, introduced the future development trend of new energy electric drive systems, such as platform-based, high-voltage and integration. Mr. Yue Fan, Vice President of Electric Era, gave a wonderful speech on the current situation and development of North American automotive battery industry and charging and discharging infrastructure. He illustrated that the North American electric vehicle market, battery technology, and research on charging technology. He also introduced the current situation and development of charging facilities, and emphasized the importance of V2G intelligent charging to the power grid. Duan Chen, an assistant professor from the Engineering School of Kettering University (formerly the General Motors Institute), first introduced the development process of the on-board solar energy system, and then provided some options for optimizing the on-board solar system, such as using solar energy for power battery balancing. Dr. Deyang Hou, the founder of American Digital Communications Company and internal combustion engine expert, proposed some suggestions on how to accelerate the application of hydrogen engine with dual-fuel direct injection technology and how to improve the energy efficiency of automobiles. Dr. Hui Xu, technical manager of the Research and Technology Department of Cummins Corporation, introduced the development and application prospects of hydrogen internal combustion engine technology. Dr. Xu mainly shared the advantages and applications of hydrogen engines from the perspective of hydrogen fuel characteristics, and introduced Cummins' plans for hydrogen engines in the next few years. The topics of five guests in the North American branch were "Development and Application of Electric Drive System for New Energy Vehicles in North America", "Status and Development of North American Automobile Battery Industry and Charging and Discharging Infrastructure", "Development and Application of Next-Generation Vehicle Solar System" ", "Dual-fuel direct injection technology to accelerate the application of hydrogen engine", "Development and application prospects of hydrogen internal combustion engine technology".

The second agenda of the North American branch is the panel discussion and audience interaction. The host is Dr. Le Zhao, director of the North American Association of Chinese Engine Engineers. Guests were Dr. Jingchuan Li, director of the North American motor system of Jingjin Electric, Mr. Yue Fan, Vice President of Electric Era, Duan Chen, an assistant professor from the Engineering School of Kettering University (formerly the General Motors Institute), Dr. Deyang Hou, the founder of American Digital Communications Company, and Dr. Hui Xu, technical manager of the Research and Technology Department of Cummins Corporation. The audience asked questions from different perspectives, mainly including the problems and challenges faced by different vehicle power systems such as traditional internal combustion engines, hybrid power systems, new fuel power systems, and pure electric power systems, as well as the development direction of new energy vehicle power systems in North America. The guests shared and elaborated their unique insights and viewpoints. In general, in the face of the huge challenges of energy shortage, environmental pollution, stringent regulation environment, and the needs of consumers and user experience, various types of new energy vehicle power systems were facing higher and higher safety and technology-related requirements.  The diversified pattern of automotive power system will be the development direction for a long time in the future, which requires us to continue to seek new internal combustion engine technologies that improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. At the same time, we also needed to solve the current problems of batteries, and constantly explored the development and breakthrough of new motors and their materials. After half an hour of wonderful discussions and interactions, the event of the North American branch of global connection came to a successful conclusion.

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Fig 12:Global connection North America branch, roundtable discussion and audience interaction

The last portion of the Global Connection is the summary roundtable discussion and closing ceremony. Participates in this discussion were Dr. Shanjin Wang, President of the Association of Chinese Automotive Engineers in France, Dr. Daqing Zou, President of the North American Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers, Dr. Huayin Tang, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the UK Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers, and Dr. Jianbo Tao, Vice President of the PASCO, Dr. Wei Jing, President of North American Association of Chinese Engine Engineers, and Dr. Xin Man, Vice President of Japanese Society of Automotive Engineers. The chairman of the alliance, Professor Hongming Xu, hosted the roundtable discussion. Topics included the trends of new energy vehicles in the countries/regions where the associations are located, and leading enterprises/infrastructure layout/planning. The guest representatives of each association introduced the work of their associations and made many good suggestions for the Global Alliance/Global Connection, and answered questions from the audience and participants. 

Finally, Dr. Man Xin, the vice president of the Japanese Society of Automotive Engineers, handed over the flag of the global connection of overseas Chinese automotive engineers to the lead organizer in 2023, Dr. Wei Jing, the president of the North American Association of Chinese Engine Engineers. On behalf of the Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers, Professor Xu Hongming expressed his great thanks to the various institutions and friends who cared about and supported this event, and announced the successful conclusion of this event. We look forward to seeing you at global connection 2023 next year.

In 2022, the outlook of the world economy is still unclear and there are still many uncertainties, and the automobile industry will not be immune to this background. As one of the world's main economic pillars, how the automotive industry responds to challenges and creates the future has attracted much attention. In particular, the application and prospect of hot technologies has also attracted wide attention both inside and outside the industry. The development of the industry and the advancement of technology are heavily depended on exchanges and cooperations. The Global Alliance of Overseas Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers, which emerged from the cocoon, will surely spread its wings in the industry, and make great contributions to the realization of the ambitious goal of carbon neutrality through the global connection brand and various other related activities.

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Fig 13:Summary Roundtable Discussion of Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

Thanks for the overseas Chinese automotive engineers global connection sponsors, Jiangsu Chaoli Group, Aramco, FiTech, Tenneco, Japan's international talent exchange agency, support from strategic partner and media platform ZXZC, and strategic partner FISITA.

Overseas Chinese Automotive Engineers Global Connection 2022

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