Industry dynamics

Parking a Toyota FJ Cruiser, the Chinese Way

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:43

Parking space is very limited all over China. The cities just weren’t built for the sudden surge in automotive ownership over the last ten years. But when you are lucky enough to own a Toyota FJ Cruiser parking is never a problem…

Parking a Toyota FJ Cruiser, the Chinese Way

Just park it half way up some stairs! No matter those lousy pedestrians, they can go over the grass. This smart-parking Toyota was seen by reader Colin in the great city of Chongqing, thank you very much for the pics. The FJ Cruiser is imported into China, priced at 530.000 yuan or 84.000 USD. Highest fine for parking violation is only 200 yuan or 32 USD. The owner won’t worry too much.