Industry dynamics

Seat Leon listed & priced in China

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:48

The Seat Leon hatchback-car has been listed & priced on the Chinese car market. The Golf-based Spaniard is well-known in Europe as a low-budget sportsmachine. In China however the Leon is a high-budget sportsmachine. Price, and this ain’t no April-fools day joke, starts at 243.900 yuan and ends at 294.600 yuan. For a bloody Seat!, Volkswagen needs a marketing genius to sell this one.

Seat Leon listed & priced in China

And a marketing genius they have! “We are Emotional Technologists”, how catchy is that! The genius also came up with a new word to describe Seat’s soul: “Enjoyneering”. I am enjoyneering today, I enjoyneered yesterday. To put the ridiculous price in perspective; the same money buys you a BMW 1-series, a Volkswagen Scirocco, a Mini Coupe or a Audi A3. These cars are all imported, things get even worse when you look at the locally-made cars: Audi A4L, from 270.000 yuan, BMW 3, from 290.000 yuan, Mercedes C, from 300.000 yuan.

Seat Leon listed & priced in China

Seat brought a Leon race car to the party. It is a TDI, diesel-powered, but Seat won’t sell any diesels in China because diesel-engines are forbidden in most big cities. Only available Leons are the FR with 160hp and the Cupra with 211hp.
