Industry dynamics

Highlights on auto industry of China Government Work Report

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:44

Highlights on auto industry of China Government Work Report

Shanghai (ZXZC)- On Monday, the 13th National People’s Congress opened its first session in Beijing. For you reference, we sorted out some topics related to auto industry in the government work report delivered by Premier Li Keqiang.

The work report says that the government would lower import tariffs on vehicles and other daily goods. Strengthen the stable development in foreign trade and the government will ease or lift restrictions on relevant segments. China is to actively expand import business and host the first China International Import Expo. 

A special rectification on the excessive emission of pollutant substances should be carried out for diesel trucks. In terms of environment protection, our government aims to reduce the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide by 3 percent. The emission modification should be promoted in the steel industry. 

The manufacturing industry will be fully opened up and the level of opening should be further expanded  in such areas as telecommunications, medical and health care, education, elderly care and new energy vehicle.

Enhance consumption’s fundamental role to the economic development. The purchasing subsidy policy for new energy vehicles will be prolonged for another three years. The removal restrictions on second-hand vehicles will be completely cancelled.

The government will continue the optimization and reorganization of state-owned enterprises and the shareholding reform of central enterprises. As to the non-public economy, our country will fully implement policies to support the development of this segment and will seriously deal with the glaring issues confronting the enterprises.