Industry dynamics

CAAM Experts clear rumor that China will ban sales on fuel-power vehicles

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:14

CAAM Experts clear rumor that China will ban sales on fuel-power vehicles

Shanghai (ZXZC)-Recently, reporters learned at the briefing held by MIIT that China has started to work on the timetable to ban sales on traditional fuel-power vehicles. But it’s still waiting to be researched whether the prohibition will be started and when or how to conduct it. Dong Yang, Executive Vice President of CAAM, said that, only pure fuel vehicles would be possible to meet sales ban if the prohibition would be conducted in the future. In the long run, vehicles will still be powered by internal-combustion engines.

Dong Yang also said that many factors, including economy, energy, emission reduction and markets, should be considered on the above topic. The sales ban plans promoted by some countries have excluded PHEV models. The market rumor that sales ban on gas vehicles will accelerate oil companies’ bankruptcy is not true. The Parallel Management Measure on CAFC and NEV credits has no connection with sales ban. Dong Yang believes that the credit management measures are launched on the basis of domestic practices and foreign examples, which are strict across the globe.

Zhao Dongchang, an expert from CATARC, said that the dual-credit scheme mainly targets on auto manufacturers and imported vehicle providers, having little direct impact on consumers. The measures would greatly promote gas emission-reduction and the development on domestic NEV industry. Besides, Zhao also believes credit transfer would not trigger joint-venture wave.