Industry dynamics

Yunhai Special Metals Co., Ltd. co-develops magnalium parts with BAIC Group

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:37

Yunhai Special Metals Co., Ltd. co-develops magnalium parts with BAIC Group

Shanghai(ZXZC)-Nanjing Yunhai Special Metals Co., Ltd. recently signed a strategic cooperation agreement with BAIC Group, in which the two sides will strengthen strategic cooperation and integrate resources to form strategic cooperative partnerships in scientific innovation and product developments, in accordance with the auto industry's development trend and market demands.

Both of the two sides will conduct regular or irregular technological communications on demands for new materials, new products, new techniques and new models. Close cooperative relationships and data sharing mechanism on the applied technologies for new magnalium materials will be established. They will also conduct cooperative work on lightweight material replacement, optimized design and so on for all models produced by BAIC Group to co-develop auto parts including instrument panel brackets and seat brackets, etc.

Announcement for the above agreement reveals that the two sides will discuss on the developments and application on magnalium parts with high performance and low costs. The two sides will form workshops to promote the trial and batch use of new materials and techniques on BAIC models to improve the models' competitiveness.

The agreement expires within five years. Yunhai Special Metals Co. Ltd. also states that joining hands with BAIC Group shows direct cooperation with auto manufacturers and will create positive impacts on their product developments, technologies updates and mass production of products, as well as accelerate Yunhai to popularize and apply lightweight products. Direct communication with auto manufacturers will also make full use of both sides' technological and resource advantages to create a win-win situation.