Industry dynamics

Jia Yueting faces great pressure in financing for FF Company

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:28

Jia Yueting faces great pressure in financing for FF Company

It’s said that Jia Yueting has arrived at Hong Kong recently to finance for FF Company. It’s known that LeAuto and FF share the same resources, and Jia hoped to combine FF with LeAuto to explore domestic and foreign markets together at the beginning time. However, the hope failed and it could only be expected that FF would operate and sell in American market, revitalizing LeAuto by introducing products and technologies into domestic market.

Media reported recently that LeSEE’s global CEO Zhang Hailing has resigned and that Gao Jingshen would be appointed as LeSEE’s President and COO. Relevant person in charge of LeAuto denied Zhang Hailiang’s resignation. The latest news comes around that Alan Cherry, Vice President taking charge of FF human resources, would leave from FF. In fact, FF faced many financial problems in the past year. Auto factory project in Nevada showed slow progress, and it was even sued by suppliers for arrears. At least six senior managers left FF in the period. Currently, FF has given up the project and rented a factory in Hanford, planning to construct electric vehicle production line.

It seems that FF faces a long way in achieving mass production, with FF91 being not prepared for production yet.