Industry dynamics

Baidu COO: Apollo will surpass any loop systems in the future three or five years

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:37

Baidu COO: Apollo will surpass any loop systems in the future three or five years

President and COO of Baidu Group said on D.Live meeting that, Baidu will make a turnaround depending on the self-driving technologies Apollo. Lu Qi believes that it’s a competition between an open eco-system and other single companies, and that Apollo will surpass any loop systems in the future three or five years.

It’s learned that Baidu released its “Apollo” plan in April this year, aiming to provide an open, complete and safe software platform to auto industry and the self-driving market. Baidu will open up codes on environmental perception, routine plan, vehicle controlling and on-board operating system to help traditional auto companies to establish complete self-driving systems. This means that Baidu will step further in the opening process of artificial intelligence, which is also its first systematic opening up on self-driving technologies across the globe.

Data shows that Baidu has conducted strategic cooperation with more than 60 auto companies. Its L3 solution has been used by more than 200 models. Currently, Baidu also cooperates with Chery to research L4 driverless vehicles and achieve mass production of L3 models. Besides, the two sides also plan to make up CarLife and CarOS products, construct mobile travel service platform and explore the possible transportation methods in Chinese market.

Lu Qi also believes that, Baidu will come up with Google by its accumulation in big data area and solid cooperation with partners. He also reveals that Baidu will release its cooperative partners in self-driving area in July.