Industry dynamics

Adjustments on approving Auto Companies’ Entry Application Project: adding a provision on new BEV

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:34

Shanghai, May 24th, ZXZC - China Vehicle Technology Service Center (CVTSC) released Adjustments on approving Auto Companies’ Entry Application Projects on May 23rd. Relevant adjustments are made as follows: firstly, the newly-built Sino-foreign joint ventures’ car production projects should be approved by State Council; secondly, the newly-built BEV companies’ projects should be approved by Investment Department of the State Council; thirdly, other projects should be approved by provincial governments.

Adjustments on approving Auto Companies’ Entry Application Project: adding a provision on new BEV

To avoid the possible over-capacity in auto industry, the State Council points out to strictly control the increasing capacity of traditional oil-fueled vehicles and newly-built traditional oil-fueled vehicle companies should be forbidden in principle. To actively guide the healthy and orderly developments for alternative energy vehicles, the newly-built companies should have power systems and other key technologies, as well as R&D capabilities for vehicles. Besides, they should conform to relevant requirements in Regulation Stipulation for Newly-built BEV Companies. The released above document re-emphasizes the governments’ determination in controlling traditional oil-fueled companies and guiding for alternative energy vehicles.

Adjustments on approving Auto Companies’ Entry Application Project: adding a provision on new BEV

A total of 14 companies have obtained production certificates for alternative energy vehicles, including BAIC BJEV, Changjiang EV, Qiantu Motor, Chery New Energy, Jiangsu Minan, Wanxiang Group, JMC EV, Chongqing Jinkang, NEVS, Yudo Auto, Know Beans, SD EV, Hozon Auto and Green Wheel. Afterwards, battery Electrical Passenger Vehicle Companies should submit project approval from NDRC when applying for new entry submissions.