Industry dynamics

Micro low-speed electric vehicles faced with the policy standardization

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:39

Micro low-speed electric vehicles faced with the policy standardization

In recent years, China's new energy vehicles has entered the rapid development stage, including the micro low-speed electric vehicles. Different from those new energy vehicles fostered by policies, micro low-speed electric vehicle is faced with too much difficulty, such as the policy orientation is not clear, the product quality is uneven, and the development of the industry needs to be standardized. Especially using lead-acid battery as the main source of power has been questioned so much.

Recently, at the forum of 2016 micro electric vehicle industry, experts of the industry conducted a through discussion on product technological issues and technical standards of low-speed electric vehicles. Yang Yusheng, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, said, micro electric vehicle is supported by what kind of battery should be chosen by enterprises and judged by the market. Chen quanshi, deputy director of electric vehicle committee of National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization, and professor of Tsinghua University, believes that if enterprises of micro electric vehicle want to make breakthrough, they must master the core technology and possess product competitiveness.

At present, "Technical specifications for micro low-speed electric vehicles", China's first related group standard, has been formally implemented on August 1st this year. This standard stipulates terms and definitions of micro electric vehicles, and also specifies the types, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, signs, delivery, vehicle documents, transportation and storage of the micro four-wheel electric vehicles, suitable for driving in the city and country road.

In October this year, standardization administration issued  the third batch of 2016 revision plan of national standards, including the "technical specifications for four-wheel low-speed electric vehicles", which indicates that the four-wheel low-speed electric vehicles are faced with the policy standardization.