Industry dynamics

Dissecting A Major Issue In Car Culture: Knowing What To Do In Case Of A Car Accident

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:2

Accidents are called ‘accidents’ for a reason. They are one of life’s harshest realities we have to face: they are a dangerous mix of unexpected and inevitable. It does not matter if we drive at 30 mph or 90 mph, car accidents can happen to us due to many unforeseeable circumstances.

It may be due to other drivers not following traffic rules, it may be due to a discrepancy or malfunction in the traffic lights, or it may also be due to a blind curve not having been carefully driven on by a negligent motorist.

Whether or not you have been on the road for a long time, you would know that car accidents are actually very common. The daily TV news, radio news and newspapers are not complete without a single report on a car accident.

In fact, according to the Association For Safe International Road Travel, approximately 1.25 million people die in road crashes each year, with an average of 3,287 deaths per day. Additionally, there are about 20-50 million people who are injured or disabled as a result of being involved in a car accident.

Unfortunately in our car culture, not all drivers know what to do when a car accident happens. This can create a problem especially if one or both motorists are uninsured. Driver education should not only focus on what to do to prevent car accidents but also address and educate drivers on what to do in case a car accident does actually occur.

In this article, we have compiled some of the most helpful tips you need to know about being involved in car accidents. Continue reading to learn more about these must-know tips and make sure to take down notes!

1) Seek Medical Attention Immediately

 Your safety, as well as your passengers’ safety, are of prime importance especially in a scenario like a car accident. If you are still conscious and able to move, contact your country’s emergency hotline right away and seek help from a hospital. You may also call on your friends and relatives for support.

Even if you do not feel pain, it is a must to go through a physician’s check-up after being involved in a car accident. Symptoms of injuries can sometimes be beyond what the naked eye may see. That is why it is important to have yourself (and your passengers too) checked for things like internal bleeding or hemorrhages.

Additionally, you may also use your medical certificates and receipts as evidence of the extent of your injuries and proof of the costs of treatment, medications and hospitalization especially in case of a personal injury lawsuit that cannot be settled out of court.

2) Seek Legal Assistance Promptly

 Of equal importance as seeking medical attention is seeking legal assistance. The biggest mistake that newbie and clueless drivers do in instances like this is allowing the insurance company of the other driver to put its own price on the damage of the car (and your injuries).

Hire the services of a lawyer so that your rights can be sufficiently and justly defended. The insurance company does not have your best interests in mind. They are merely looking for ways to cut down on costs and this is not beneficial to you.

Make sure that the lawyer you choose is one who specializes in personal injury cases. It is recommended that you choose a lawyer like Garry Salomon that not only has expertise in personal injury law but also has a long background litigating car accident cases. Lawyers with long experience have the advantage of having been exposed to many different and difficult questions of law—this also makes them sharper in approaching such questions.

3) Document All Expenses

Documenting all your expenses will help you in the long run. From medical bills to lawyer fees, having all receipts and data of your expenses will make your compensation easier to assert in court. This will come in handy once your case reaches the courts, specifically in matters of awarding actual damages.