Industry dynamics

Bentley Continental GT Convertible catches Fire in China

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:55

A burning Bentley Continental GT Convertible in China, seen in the great city of Foshan in Guangdong Province. Local media say the vehicle combusted spontaneously only seconds after it left a Bentley dealer for a test drive with a rich potential-customer at the wheel. He might not buy! Fortunately firemen were quickly at the scene and managed to dose the flames in 20 minutes.


More water on that mighty W12 engine! The Bentley Continental GT Convertible goes for 3.21 million yuan in China, or 520.000 USD. This hottie likely needs a new engine…


Police line upside down. Fireman seems to focus on the right side of the engine bay.


Interior very smokey but there isn’t any obvious damage.


The aftermath. Poor customer didn’t even have time to drop the hood.