Industry dynamics

Honda Accord is the Fashion Force in China

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:1

Your site is very informative and thorough, but why do you have to describe every horrible sprawl of identical high-rises and pollution as the “great city of”? This sort of hyperbole elevates the merely mediocre to the level of the Great and reduces the Great to the level of cities that really do not rate as much on the map of cities around the globe. Chongqing is not the best example, since it is certainly a notable place – though far from great either aesthetically or even in global importance – but you have used “great city of” to describe some truly awful, ugly places in the past. I think it would help in attracting more native speakers of English if you were to cease this practice.

Though I appreciate your intention to be positive and friendly to your Chinese hosts, I think there is no reason for this over-use of a word. If you must use a uplifting describer every time you mention a city, please try to very it a little bit.