Industry dynamics

Redhead in China is hot with a Pimped BMW M3

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:56

An extremely hot redhead in China getting very close to a pimped BMW M3. The  girl is appropriately dressed in something tiger for better crawling. Click on Pics for Bigs™. Slightly NSFW.


We happen to know this particular BMW. It was first seen parked behind a lowriding Mini Clubman that served as the decor for another set with another hot Chinese girl. The E92 BMW M3 has been pimped to the max. Chinese tuning website states (scroll down past girl) that the vehicle has been tuned up to a manic 575 horses, thanks to an ESS Tuning centrifugal supercharger, an ESS Tuning ECU upgrade program, and a Meisterschaft GTC variable valve exhaust system. We dig!


Babe digs it all too. See that yellow thing just east of her ass?


That’s the supercharger!


Supercharger now on the west of her ass.


Her ass.


Pretending to rest, but actually thinking.


What a fine beauty she is… The E92 BMW M3 is a beauty too, and it was very popular in China. Here is our Famous China-BMW M3 Collection™: Bling, license (M3246), body kit,  license (908M3), mint green, baby blue, E46 Convertible, Bling Convertible, shiny blue, matte black, and completely mad.


Brakes in the same color as the supercharger = good.