Industry dynamics

Patent Applied: Beijing Auto SC20 SUV

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:7

Beijing Auto has applied for patent on a new small size SUV, called the SC20. It will debut sometime next year and price will range from 50.000 to 70.000 yuan. Looking at size and price the SC20 is almost certainly based on the Foton Midi, a small MPV made by Foton Motor. Both Beijing Auto and Foton Motor are subsidiaries of the Beijing Auto Industry Corporation (BAIC).

Beijing Auto SC20 SUV

The Foton Midi, price starts around 50.000 yuan. Size:4288×1725×1728, wheelbase is 2695. Power comes from a tiny 1.3 liter four-cylinder. Foton is big in trucks, vans, pickup trucks and smaller commercial vehicles. The Midi was their first ‘passenger car’ but the market didn’t really want it, mostly because of the Foton brand-name doesn’t really dig out there.

Beijing Auto SC20 SUV

Kia-style grille. The market for this kinda cheap ‘n small SUV’s is huge in China, especially down country, and mostly occupied by smaller car makers from the Chinese hinterlands. Quality is usually poor and the engines dirty, but the vehicles are reliable and cheap to maintain. Beijing Auto wants a part of that market… Inside big cities however it’ll be a very rare thing.

Beijing Auto SC20 SUV

Beijing Auto SC20 SUV

Beijing Auto SC20 SUV

Beijing Auto SC20 SUV
