Industry dynamics

Ferrari 458 Spider crashes into a Hedge in China

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:45

This might very well be the first crash of a Ferrari 458 Spider,  in the world. It happened in the great city of Zhengzhou, capital of Henan Province. Deliveries of the Spider only just began in China, this fine white example so much be a brand new car.

Ferrari 458 Spider crashes in China

The driver apparently lost control during a road race on very wet tarmac, the 458 slipped through a barrier and ended up with its ass in a hedge. Curiously the car was covered with a large cloth immediately after the incident, leading ‘netizens’ to believe some higher-ups must be involved.

Whether this is true or not is unsure at the moment, but if police acts like they want to hide something, well, they are usually hiding something indeed… (like: son of a communist-party official drove car, party official drove car, party official drove car with unmarried karaoke hostess, part official his sun were in car with numerous unmarried karaoke hostesses).

Ferrari 458 Spider crashes in China

The broken barrier.

Ferrari 458 Spider crashes in China

Curious onlookers.

Ferrari 458 Spider crashes in China

The other road racers were stopped by police, seen here waiting near the scene of the accident, white 458 Italia in the back.

Via: Weibo.