Industry dynamics

Freak Accident in China: minivan falls through Road

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:4

Well no… This is a bad case of poorly constructed roads and I know this because it is in my field. Let me explain.
Proper compaction, usage of materials in a professional way and large amounts of layering and water infiltration resistance contribute to a good road being built. What happens is that the soil under the tarmac hasn’t been compacted enough or graded properly to form a impermeable base for the tarmac. Somehow water got in the space, between the layer of tarmac and the soil, (curruption in site when people want to save money in time and just get paid for a crap job), and naturally “excavated” a void under the road. When the structural integrity of the tarmac fails the road collapses revealing the void which has been developing over time. With natural sinkholes, what happens is that certain porous rocks such as dolomite, in a similar process allow water to infiltrate their sponge like material and create these underground lakes and a weak “roof” which collapes the surface. The two main differences between what we see here and sinkholes, to my knowledge are that sinkholes are caused when there is a interaction between rocks and water, and this is between natural soil and water. The other difference is that in sinkholes the holes are way scarier in size.