Industry dynamics

The Super-stretched Porsche Cayenne from China, a look inside…

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:49

This fantastic stretched Porsche Cayenne has been seen on this website before. It lives in the great city of Guangzhou in Guangdong Province. New pics taken in the nearby city of Shenzhen (hello Bertel!) show the impressive interior for the first time.

Super-stretched Porsche Cayenne from China

Great work. Brownish leather and carpet very 70’s. Bar, kareoke system and a fridge. What more do you need? Well, pink napkins for sure, and this Cayenne has.

Super-stretched Porsche Cayenne from China

The Cayenne is the most popular Porsche in China, but standard is too boring for many buyers. Our China-Cayenne collection: in pink, in gold, another stretched, in orange, with dog-pee on it, or French.

Super-stretched Porsche Cayenne from China

I really dig these pink napkins, but will the babes? Many glasses for champagne and whiskey, but only four for beer.

Super-stretched Porsche Cayenne from China

Same car at some exhibition in Shenzhen.

Pics via: YesCar.