Industry dynamics

Spy Shots: JAC 4R3 pickup truck from China is gunning for the Ford F150

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:6

What are Americans … there is no such country … USA United States of America maybe, but no America as that is an abreviation for the Continent, just like many of the ill informed comments, that have come from some people here.
Open your eyes to the world, and get off your arses, and dont complain about what is done in other countries, just get on with life and start doing it better than your new international competitors.
Ford and GM could have been selling RHD vehicle to the rest of the world for many years, but dont really bother, and neither of then is interested in RHD which is about 30% of total vehicle sales … what happened to good marketing ? ………
On the other side of the coin, Where do Ford and GM make there biggest profits, … in China of course, where they both have huge vehicle production and sales in the Chinese market …. notably now the biggest vehicle market in the world, and about 50% bigger than the total USA market.
And who is the biggest diesel engine producer, … Cummins by a country mile.
What about Mc Donalds / Burger King / KFC , and others combined with countless thousand of stores across China.
What about Wallmart and Pizza Hut, Yes they are there too, with huge numbers of outlets.
And what about just about every other USA company of any size or note, yes they are either there, or trying to get into China, and it is the money those companies make that subsidizes the USA mainland systems.
USA citizens get real … we live in a world economy and it will get progressively more so in the coming years, so do not complain, just start making products that people and markets really want, and you can work your way out of recession.
Change your banking and share trading systems to non greed based wage systems, without the bonuses for useless managerial staff, and you will start to get back to some good thinking, that rewards workers in strong profit making companies, by making those companies grow, and become competitive, and that keeps you in jobs, not out of them.
Would I buy from the USA if you produced products that contained quality and at the right cost …. too danmed right I would.