Industry dynamics

Monster Bicycle from China

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:8

Here we have a very strange monster bicycle from China. ‘Bicycle’ indeed, it doesn’t have an engine, it is powered by good old fashioned human leg-power. The incredible machine resides in the great city of Jilin in Jilin province and was made by a very handy father for his son’s birthday. What a present, “Now go my son, hit those pedals hard I tell you!” A few more pics:

Monster Bicycle from China

Whether it is actually possible to pedal this work of art forward is not sure, I haven’t seen any pic of the monster actually moving. But a great thing it is, three sofa’s and one seat for the driver who can take many friends on da way. Strange green man on the back, probably from another planet. Best are the wheels, likely taken from an open-mine transport truck.

Monster Bicycle from China

Smaller wheels for balance, wonder how this thing corners.

Monster Bicycle from China

A closer look at the ‘power plant’.

Monster Bicycle from China
