Industry dynamics

Beijing Auto Show Live: HNUSP (Hunan University) L-DDC4

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:10

The L-DDC4 is a research project from students and scientist from Hunan University backed by an spin-off automotive research company called HNUSP which stands for Hunan University Science Park. The L-DCC4 is based on the same principle as HNUSP’s incrdible buses we saw earlier: two wheels on each side of the middle and one wheel in fron and one wheel at the back. Power goes trough the wheels in the middle, steering with the wheels at the front and back.

Size: 4470x1780x1440, wheelbase is 1850 and weight is 900kg. Engine is a 1.0 four cylinder with 38.5kw and 83nm, top speed is 120km/h and the L-DDC4 has actually been tested at that speed.

The idea is that this lay-out is much safer for passengers and poor pedestrians who happen to come to close to the front. Steering is said to be much more precise. The vehicle can actually go round and round without moving forward or backward.

Unlike the buses which had the wheel in the middle this passenger car has the steering wheel on the left which seems not very logical. I really like this strange project and hope to get more information soon. HNUSP also brought a normal car to the show which looked very fine, more on that one later too.