Industry dynamics

Incalcu Policecar from China

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:6

Today a very special police car from Beijing. It is a electric 4-wheel mini car and most likely used in parks or other public places. The characters on the bonnet say 警察, jingcha, meaning ‘police’. The two yellow characters say 巡逻, xunluo, meaning ‘on duty’. I had never seen the thing before even though I live in Beijing for seven long years.

The car’s brand name is Incalcu and after some Googleling around I found the ‘Shandong Incalcu Group’, website, a bicycle manufacturer from Shandong province. They also make ‘electric cars‘ and so I know this baby’s full name: Incalcu EC 2006A.

Unfortunately that’s all the information available so I know nothing more. But the vehicle seems still available, when I first saw the car is these pictures I figured it was something long gone of market.

The blue characters say 公安, gongan, meaning ‘public security’.

Classy with that wood around the instruments.

The EC2006A, picture taken from Incalcu’s website.

The EC2006B, this vehicle I am familiar with, the Beijing police uses it in shoppingstreets.

The EC2006C, a vehicle I did see before, I just can’t remember where but I do remember being drunk.