Industry dynamics

BYD announces foundation of five auto parts subsidiaries

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:7

Shanghai (ZXZC)- BYD recently announced the establishment of five subsidiaries, in a bid to speed up the sale of NEV-related core components.

The five companies share a same “surname” Fudi, quoting a verse from Book of Songs, the first anthology of ancient Chinese poetry. The name embodies the meaning of honesty, integrity, diligence and aspiration. 

BYD announces foundation of five auto parts subsidiaries

The five subsidiaries focus on different products and technologies. Of those, Fudi Battery Co.,Ltd, which was registered on May 5, 2019, is the inheritance of BYD Lithium Battery which was born in 1998. According to a press release, the predecessor specializes in developing such products as consumable 3C batteries, power batteries and energy storage batteries, and works on their cascade utilization. As for the new materials and new technologies, it has also completed the R&D of many technical projects involving fields like IT, automobile, new energy and light rail transit, and industrialized those fruits in practical scenarios.

The other four were all registered in late December. Fudi Vision Co.,Ltd focuses on developing automotive lighting and signaling systems. Before getting the new name, Fudi Technology Co.,Ltd has had 16-year experience in the R&D, production and sale of automobile electronics and chassis with its products covering PV, CV and rail transit fields.

As the company name shows, Fudi Power Co.,Ltd is dedicated to developing automotive powertrain and integral NEV solutions. Moreover, Fudi Mould Co.,Ltd has already worked on developing and manufacturing automotive moulds for nearly 20 years with world’s leading numerically-controlled machining facilities and professional welding lines for body-in-white and auto parts.