Industry dynamics

NIO declines to unveil specific number of deliveries for ES8

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:60

NIO declines to unveil specific number of deliveries for ES8

Shanghai (ZXZC)- NIO, China's EV startup, delivered its first mass-produced model, the ES8 to its real customers on June 28, after NIO delivered several ES8s to its staff members on May 31. However, the specific number of the official delivery hasn't been disclosed yet. According to the person from NIO public relation department, the company will continue to deliver the ES8. The specific delivery date will be decided by the order of founder edition as well as the color options.

NIO declines to unveil specific number of deliveries for ES8

A person from NIO explained that NIO's new models were transported successively, thus they were delivered in succession. The successive delivery was also attributed by the different delivery time preordered by different customers.

NIO declines to unveil specific number of deliveries for ES8

A person close to NIO said that the startup delivered over 10 ES8s on June 28. However, another media outlet revealed that only four or five customers picked up their cars at NIO's delivery center. NIO declined to expose the delivery progress and number, and stated that it will finish the delivery of 10,000-unit ES8 founder edition before the National Holiday.

NIO declines to unveil specific number of deliveries for ES8

It is revealed that NIO's daily deliveries in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai were 2 units, 4 units and 4 units respectively on July 1.

NIO declines to unveil specific number of deliveries for ES8

Person who comes from public relation of NIO recommended media to have eyes on NIO's delivery speed rather than its daily delivery number. He said that NIO may disclose the delivery number of 1,000 units or 5,000 units in the future. 

NIO declines to unveil specific number of deliveries for ES8

Currently, NIO's Hefei plant can manufacture three to five new models per hour. With eight-to-ten working hours per day, NIO aims to improve its monthly production capacity to 4,500 units by the end of August.