Industry dynamics

Xpeng pushes latest Xmart OS public beta to P7, brings memory parking route sharing feature

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:57

The feature will provide great convenience for other users, such as the ability to quickly reach supercharging stations in underground parking lots.

The latest upgrade also allows the vehicle to select a parking space near its destination and park it. When the vehicle is approaching the end of the parking space, if the target space is occupied, the vehicle will automatically identify the adjacent free parking space, and the user can choose the memory space or the adjacent free parking space to park automatically.

The upgraded VPA function can recognize richer elements, such as static obstacles like bollards, gates and barrier posts.

Xmart OS 2.7.0 also optimizes the cone bucket display strategy, off-ramp experience, and congestion following experience for the highway Navigation Guided Pilot (NGP) activation state.

In addition, the update also optimizes Xpilot 2.5's intelligent parking assist system, safety system, and optimizes the continuous dialogue time setting for full-scene voice and the overall effect of the music cockpit.

The update also optimizes the single-pedal mode, where the vehicle will slow to a stop and enter Autohold if the driver does not press the accelerator and brake pedals during low-speed driving.