Industry dynamics

Production and marketing pattern analysis of new energy vehicle in July: three brands are still powerful

Publishtime:2019/08/16 Views:26

Production and marketing pattern analysis of new energy vehicle in July: three brands are still powerful

According to the data, the sales in July of special passenger car reached 1,674,400 units, with a year-on-year growth of 6.1% while a decrease of 4.2% compared with June. This is the fastest growing month of the year, but also is the smallest decline month in recent years, which is beyond the expectation.

In July the sales of new energy passenger car reached 40,700 units, with a year-on-year growth of 57.4% and a growth of 8.8% compared with June. Up to now, from January to July, the cumulative sales of new energy passenger cars reached 19.49 million units, with a year-on-year growth of 85.3%.

According to the data above, in the first seven months of 2017, the market share of new energy passenger car in the entire passenger car market occupies 1.6%. According to the data released by a company, in June this year, the global electric car market share exceeded 1% for the first time , that is to say, the market share of Chinese new energy passenger car in July surged records of 1.6% !

Three big brands are still powerful

When it comes to specific models, zhidou D2 continues the advantages and ranks first, Beiqi new energy EC series and BYD e5 rank second and third respectively. Geely, GAC and other auto companies accelerate the introduction of mixed car models for the purpose of leading the joint venture brand and achieving the upgrade of mixed products.

A variety of factors affect the sales in July

Relying on a moderate recovery in the global economy and the good background of domestic economy,auto market in July began to rise. Recently, the general import and export trade in China have also achieved rapid growth under the exchange rate, coupled with the real estate gradually cooling after boom, car market begins to rise.

In April Car Sales Management Approach was issued, which drew a great concern in public, in the second quarter, dealers also made great efforts to reduce inventory and reduced the channel inventory 50,000 units in July.

In recent months, the regional price order tends to be free, and the continual promotion also brings sales volume.

And July first is the beginning of the implementation of new Management Approach, some buyers consider to buy cars in July , which bringing a certain incremental changes.

August market trends

In August, the auto market comes into a stable recovery period. August is the start-up period in second half year of the auto market, all types of cars and new products accelerate the layout, the channel and inventory action will start early to promote the auto market growth.

In August last year, the rumor that purchase tax 5% discount would expire promoted auto market retail unexpected prosperous, recently the key points issued inVehicle Purchase Tax Law basically comform to expectations, which is good for the steady growth of automobile market.

In 2017, the improvement speed of fuel consumption is slow, far from the policy requirements which requires the average consumption of 6.7 liters decline to 6.4 liters in 2017. Under the pressure, car companies can quickly consume the fuel surplus a few years ago, in the next few months independent car companies will continue to strengthen the development of new energy vehicles.