Industry dynamics

China releases 'Smart Connected Vehicle Technology Roadmap 2.0'

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:15

China released the "Smart Connected Vehicle Technology Roadmap 2.0" on November 11, detailing the development route, vision and strategic goals of intelligent connected vehicles.

According to the Securities Times, the roadmap says that by 2035 China's smart connected car technology and industrial system will be fully built, the level of vehicle intelligence will be significantly improved, and network-connected and highly automated vehicles will be applied on a large scale.

The 2020 World Smart Connected Vehicle Conference, hosted by several departments including China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Ministry of Transport, was held today.

At the conference, Li Keqiang, professor at Tsinghua University and chief scientist at the National Innovation Center for Intelligent Networked Vehicles, officially released the roadmap.