Industry dynamics

The Ministry of Commerce "Agree" the Hawtai Auto Stock Acquisition of SG Auto

Publishtime:1970-01-01 08:00:00 Views:32

The Ministry of Commerce

On May 15, the SG Automotive Group announced that Liaoning SG Automotive Group and Hawtai Automobile Group were promoting the shares transfer and proxy voting. This means that after the approval of the Ministry of Commerce, Hawtai Automobile Group has made a closer step in the process of shares acquisition.

From January 23 this year, the SG Automotive Group announced that the company intended to transfer 14.49% of the equity to Hawtai Automobile Group. On February 28, the SG Group and Hawtai Group signed the equity transfer agreement.

After the completion of equity change, Hawtai Group will hold shares of 21.27% of listed companies, and become the controlling shareholder of SG Group.

But the whole acquisition process is not going smoothly. Only half month after the announcement of shares transfer, the SG Group received a civil lawsuit due to the control transfer problems.

Why dose the shares acquisition raise such a public concern? The most obvious point is that SG Group is not a "simple" enterprise. It is not only a listed company, but also is the national automobile export base enterprise, It owns four main series of products : commercial vehicles, passenger vehicles, special vehicles and SG axle and the components.

At the same time, from their former cooperation, SG Group is the component supplier of Hawtai Group for many years, through the shares acquisition, the company can supplement and combine the resources modules, which will push the Group make an breakthrough in products and costs.

Perhaps to the outside, the ultimate goal of the shares acquisition of Hawtai Group is listing through SG Group, but the President Wang Xiang of Hawtai Group said that shares holding is the first step of strategic transformation, in the future the company will merge all business into the automotive group and prepare for the institutional and systematic reserve".